Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Adobe is celebrating the 20th anniversary of Photoshop this year and over one million fans on their Photoshop Facebook page -Adobe Blogs 

Honda is launching a month-long social media effort on Facebook to build buzz around their new "Dream the Impossible" documentary series -Market Watch 

Mercedes-Benz is using Facebook to promote their new online video series, "Profiles," which features real-life Mercedes owners recounting their near-death automotive accidents -MediaPost 

Kraft Foods' shares how the relationships Oreo built on Facebook are now spreading to other social media channels -Vimeo 

Kraft Foods: How Oreo Learned to Fish Where the Fish Are, presented by Beth Reilly from GasPedal on Vimeo.

Orange is hosting a competition on Twitter that introduces Singing Tweetagrams. The best Tweetagrams from their followers will be transformed into special video messages sung by the Rockabellas - 

SAP recently published a case study detailing how they've successfully integrated social platforms into their Community Network -Social Media Today 

Procter & Gamble is rewarding fans with electronic "Green Stamps" for blogging and using social media to spread the word about their environmentally conscious "Future Friendly" program -Ad Age 

General Electric share how they're recruiting YouTube stars to reach new audiences online -Fast Company 

Polartec and The North Face talk about their new social media partnership that encourages a green lifestyle for all -IEWY News 

With over 760,000 followers each, CME Group and the Chicago Board Options Exchange are in the Top 300 most followed Twitter accounts worldwide -Institutional Investor 

Elvis Costello uses Social Media Mix to Promote new Album - Mashable